Monday. Work was kinda brutal this morning, I was not ready for it. Dragging my carcass out of bed was brutal. I got through work and went home and vegged until I went over to Tony's house and ate pizza. Then we went to Target, something we love to do together. I bought things like soap and boxed mac'n'cheese, and maybe a couple of things that I didn't need like a DVD and a reusable Domo bag. I went home and literally passed out on my bed wearing most of the clothes I had been wearing all day with all of the lights on and crap on my bed. I woke up at 4am uncomfortably warm and with a pinched neck. Not fun. I got myself ready for bed and went to sleep for a couple more hours. Again, waking up the next morning was not a joy. I kinda wish that I was a morning person, but I am really, really not.
Tuesday. Work was fine. After work a group of my friends and I went to one of my favorite restaurants in KC, El Patron, for their dollar tacos. Taco Tuesday! It was a good time with good cheap food. Now I need to go to sleep at a semi-reasonable time. Tomrrow night I am going to the Ben Folds concert. Inside I am really happy. I love to go to concerts. The last time i saw Ben Folds it was raining and it was outside and there were wayyyyyy too many people there. I am looking forward to going to one of my fav venues with a couple of friends, my concert buddies.