Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's time to start reveling in my 30th year.

I just turned 30. A few days before yesterday. I have celebrated my birthday with family and friends at least four times, i am very blessed. I think that going home and feeling all of the love there and then coming back to Kansas City and feeling all of the love here has made me really start appreciating what i have on a whole other level. I am happy and for this very moment content. We'll see how i feel in another minute or two. Today has been a day of relaxing and resting and just taking some time to myself. I don't do this nearly enough. I keep so busy that i am constantly feeling worn down and tired. My thirties are going to be more selfish than my twenties. No more over-extending. No more. So what's new? Well, i have gone from playing on two soccer teams a week to one. Once a week I write and record silly songs with two of my friends. weekends are going to be for hanging around outside and lazily keeping my apartment tidy. I will get my freelance done and hopefully get more freelance. I will take one night a week and doodle. I will stop being a crutch, i will stop feeling like i need to do a thousand things , and i will stop allowing anything to hinder me! With all of that said i think that my thirties are going to be even better than my twenties. I've let go of some pretty hefty baggage and am ready to move on to the next great chapter of my life, whatever that may be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This all sounds like a great, fresh start for you! I hope you can stick to these goals for yourself! You will be healthier and happier! =) I miss you!!!!

xoxo, dani.